Friday, October 12, 2012

A Christmas Carol - The Faces of Bob Cratchit

So let's rev up part two with some of my favorite Cratchit's from the history of film.

So let's kick it back off by returning to 1938 with the familiar face of Gene Lockhart. You may also recognize him as the kindly Judge from "Miracle on 31st Street".

 Mervyn Johns played in the 1951 version along side of Alistair Sim.

In 1962 came Jack Cassidy in Mr. Magoo's version.
Remember this great song? 

In 1970 came David Collings in the musical version.

 1971 brought Melvyn Hayes to the role as the voice for Bob Cratchit.

Part One: A Christmas Carol 1971

Mickey plays the role of Cratchit in his version from 1983.

David Warner in the 1984 version. A great job well done.

Kermit brings his own hoppiness to character of Cratchit with the 1992 Muppet version.

and finally comes Richard Grant, who brings a frailty to the role, an even more humble and gently spoken Cratchit. TNT's A Christmas Carol from 1999.

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