Friday, October 26, 2012

A Biblical Christmas - Part One: O Christmas Tree

Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. Psalm 84: 5-7, a Psalm of the Sons of Korah

As we prepare to Advent this year, I would like to share with you some scripture that has become apart of my preparations for Christmas each year, my advent celebrations.

The first, being that of Psalm 84. The Christmas tree plays a big part of my Advent celebration in my house with there being roughly 12-14 trees each year within my house. Why the Christmas tree? Yes, it is believed there are some ties to the "bringing in of the greens" and a hope for good luck for the new year (along with numerous other traditions depending on the culture and country you celebrate within) with the tradition of the Christmas tree, but I have a different aspect on the Christmas tree...let me explain. 

The Psalm written by the Korahites is a great Psalm, as is the majority of their Psalms, but I greatly enjoy this Psalm because of its focus on the importance of the house of God. The joy found and the yearning to be at the house of God. Not meaning, the church building, but yet in a much broader and real sense, "the place where God dwells". We know that He does not dwell within walls built by men (as Solomon attested as he christened the temple) and Paul preached about as he spoke in Athens, but instead the true temple of God is within the human Spirit.

(1 Corinthians 6 also brings attention to this fact of our bodies being the temple of God)

Let's start from that point: that we are the house of God, where God dwells. 

Second, let's move along to the verses quoted above. Those whose strength is found in God, those who set their heart on pilgrimage. To do what, you ask? To Worship God, but in fulfillment, to go home! To return home to the true Zion, to attain that which is pre-loaded into the human heart, eternity; eternity in the presence of God. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) 

So first, we in a sense are the very temple in which even the birds wish to dwell within. Second, the pilgrimage we are ultimately on is life itself as we head to the grave. Which also reminds me of the words of Scrooge's nephew Fred in regard to Christmas:

"There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say, Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round -- apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that -- as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time: the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!"
Charles Dickins, "A Christmas Carol" 

It's a time like no other where we actually see each other as people, all on the same pilgrimage, all on the same journey and as we know life is, this journey always brings us to places of sorrow, place of tears, place of hardship and times of dry times. In the Psalms it says they pilgrim, they pass through the valley of Baka, which is the Valley of the Balsam trees. It was a symbol of a place of dryness and sorrow, a place of loneliness, a place of weeping. The Balsam was known as the "weeping tree". 

As you know the Balsam is also the traditional American Christmas tree, in which is displayed in millions of homes. So very literally we travel each December through a forest of balsam trees and quite metaphorically for many December and the holidays are a time of loneliness, a time of remembering better days past and too often. Or with my favorite quote from "Mixed Nuts".

Christmas is a wonderful time and a wonderful opportunity. Use it and enjoy every single moment of it. This very weekend begins my preparations for Christmas, this weekend I begin decorating and November 1, Hallowmass begins my countdown till Christmas. Will you join me this year in the sacred journey toward the birth of the Messiah?

Will you reach out this year and consider others as perhaps more than just other creatures bound on other journey, but perhaps as people all on the same journey? Will you open up your shut up heart this year?

Make sure to join my blog and stayed tuned!

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Christmas Carol - The Faces of Bob Cratchit

So let's rev up part two with some of my favorite Cratchit's from the history of film.

So let's kick it back off by returning to 1938 with the familiar face of Gene Lockhart. You may also recognize him as the kindly Judge from "Miracle on 31st Street".

 Mervyn Johns played in the 1951 version along side of Alistair Sim.

In 1962 came Jack Cassidy in Mr. Magoo's version.
Remember this great song? 

In 1970 came David Collings in the musical version.

 1971 brought Melvyn Hayes to the role as the voice for Bob Cratchit.

Part One: A Christmas Carol 1971

Mickey plays the role of Cratchit in his version from 1983.

David Warner in the 1984 version. A great job well done.

Kermit brings his own hoppiness to character of Cratchit with the 1992 Muppet version.

and finally comes Richard Grant, who brings a frailty to the role, an even more humble and gently spoken Cratchit. TNT's A Christmas Carol from 1999.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Christmas Carol - Ebenezer Scrooges

No fictional Christmas story is perhaps more renown and famous than that of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" so for your viewing enjoyment, begins several posts of a short collection of photos accounting "A Christmas Carol" through the years, this is not an exhaustive list, but simply an account of some of the good stuff. This post specifically will focus on who else, but the very man, "Ebenezer Scrooge". To start it all off first of all I need to share this photo:

This photo is my favorite of all Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, themed photos. If you know where this photo originated please let me know.

< Reginald Owen, 1938

Alastair Sim,1951 >

Mr. Magoo (Voiced by Jim Backus/ Gilligan's Island) as the stingy old Scrooge in the 1963 made-for-TV version of "A Christmas Carol".

The 1970 musical version, starring Albert Finney

 The reprisal by Alastair Sim of Scrooge but this time is cartoon. This 1971 version was made-for-TV and has been rarely seen till its limited release on DVD. This version was created by the great Chuck Jones.

Disney's, 1983 "Mickey's Christmas Carol", starring Uncle Scrooge as Ebenezer Scrooge. Voiced by Allen Young (All Young Show/ Wilbur of Mr, Ed)

George C Scott, 1984 version & on my top 3 list.

In 1992 came a classic from the Jim Henson family with Michael Caine playing the human counterpart of Scrooge while most of the cast is played by Muppets.

TNT, 1999,made-for-TV film of "A Christmas Carol" starring Patrick Stewart. Of big screen quality and easily on my top three list