Saturday, May 7, 2011


Shannon and I not to long after Silas was born had a date night and went to one of our favorite places, a local movie theater where you can also order food. Well we arrived, bought our ticket, and proceeded down the hallway, running a bit late due to dropping off the kids, we hopped into the theater and sat down. The movie was already playing and we sat down, ordered and noticed we were really lost in the film and having a very hard time catching up. Trying our hardest we finally were able to begin to pick up what was happening, at least kind of. Well after about an hour and a half the movie ended, and I looked at Shannon and I realized we walked into the wrong screen.

Normally, when you get your ticket ripped they say what screen. This time they didn't.
We were going to see the movie Inception. Tonight for the first time we actually got to see the beginning and it is hard enough to keep up with and figure out without starting mid-movie.

Life can resemble elements of movies, as with Inception. Many times in life we go through it, as we do in a dream. In a dream we go through the motions of the dream, usually without realizing we are in a dream. In life we commonly do the same, living life without giving even much mind to the fact, that this is life and it is really happening. We live life going with the flow, dealing with the normality of life, giving through what we are going to do today, or what to eat, or when to sleep, what to wear, when to leave and who to see. Well at least until the "kick", those events in life that wakes us up to the reality that life is really going on and its slippy away, that it has an expiration date, that what we do in life has meaning and we should do something about that. These "kicks" can be traumatic or joyous events, but either way they jolt us into reality.

I like how the book of Ecclesiastes tells us: It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart. Ecclesiastes 7:2

To remember our own mortality, to remember and appreciate the moments of life, even the mundane, to pay attention to how we got to where we are at, and where we are going is important. It makes us make decisions, it makes us get up, it makes us do something with the breathe we were given to breath. Until we come to that point we will find ourselves living in a dream, not knowing where we came from or where we are going. Life doesn't make sense, our purpose doesn't make sense, until we accept what life is really about, until we accept what is really important.

We often forget that more important than the American dream, more important than family, more important than friends, and houses and cars, and possessions, is a kingdom. Our love for that kingdom must surpass and out love anything else in life or life itself becomes meaningless and worthless. It ceases to be Life.

A lie was planted in our brains, in our hearts, its a disease to make us lose track of what's real. It's a disease that tries to steal Life.  Maybe its time you pinch yourself, life is happening, and its more than what you see around you. It's time to live for the Kingdom.

1 comment:

  1. PREACH! ha-ha Good word! Time waits for no-one. It's going, going, GONE! :) That's what the Lord has been dealing with me about (focus). Stop day dreaming, pay attention, focus. WAKE UP! :) :)
